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Transfer Station

The Municipality operates a Transfer Station site (Google Maps) located northwest of the Town of Aberdeen: 1/2 mile north and 1/2 mile west on SW 12-39-03-W3.

Hours of Operation:
March to October Hours:
Wednesday & Saturday: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Please note, the gates will be locked at 5:00pm. All refuse must be unloaded by this time - please plan accordingly.

November to February Hours (Winter Hours):
Wednesday & Saturday: 10:00am - 4:00pm
Please note, the gates will be locked at 4:00pm. All refuse must be unloaded by this time - please plan accordingly.

The Transfer Station is free of charge for all RM Ratepayers. RM Ratepayers wishing to use the Transfer Station must have a User Card. User Cards can be picked up at the RM Office during regular business hours. If you wish to receive your card by mail, requests can made over the phone or through email.

If you are not an RM Ratepayer and still wish to take advantage of the Aberdeen Transfer Station, please refer to the Town of Aberdeen's website for more information. Tokens for non-Ratepayers must be purchased in advance and be present at time of drop off.

RM of Blucher Waste Transfer Station (Google Maps)
The RM of Blucher is allowing Ratepayers from the RM of Aberdeen (with valid User Cards) to use the waste Transfer Station located at NW 24-36-03-W3. The RM of Aberdeen will be covering the cost to use this station. The list of accepted items applies to both Transfer Stations.

Hours of Operation:
Tuesday & Thursday: 2:00pm - 7:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

You must have your User Card with you in order to access the Transfer Station.

Accepted Materials NOT Accepted Materials

  • Appliances*
    (ex. fridges, stoves, dryers, washing machines, dishwashers, deepfreezes, BBQs)
  • Burnable wood
    (only shrubs and branches)
  • Compostable materials
  • Household garbage
  • Recycling**
  • Scrap metal
  • Mattresses
  • Couches

*must be stored upright and have Freon drained prior to being brought to the Transfer Station
**stretchy plastic can no longer be recycled and must be included with household garbage

If you have any of the items listed under the "Not Accepted" column, you will be turned away from the Transfer Station. Please click on the title of anything under the "Not Accepted" column that appears in blue for more information on where it can be recycled/disposed.

The site has separate piles for compostable materials, appliances, scrap steel, and burnable wood.

An inability to adhere to these guidelines will pose negative ramifications for both the Transfer Station and the patrons that enjoy its convenience. Let's all recycle wisely and enjoy the benefits of the Transfer Station for years to come!

The site is manned and the gate is locked at all times, except during operating hours as indicated. The Municipality will not tolerate garbage being dumped on Municipal roads. There is a $500.00 fine for anyone caught dumping garbage in the Municipality, and the Municipality will prosecute anyone that fails to pay the fine.