Property Assessment
Assessment Notices stating your property assessment were mailed out Tuesday, April 16th, 2024. The Assessment Notice is the official notice of the assessed value of your property as determined by the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA). Your Assessment Notice has the appeal form on the back of the sheet as well as the deadline for appeal. This notice and time-frame is the only opportunity for appealing assessments during the year. SAMA makes every effort to ensure property assessments are done fairly and accurately. However, if you feel that an error has occurred, we can help you review your assessment. If you disagree with the property value established by SAMA, there is a formal appeal process available to you. Appeals must be based on an error in your property assessment and not based on the amount of taxes paid for the property. Property reports may be viewed on the SAMA website.
The Assessment Roll was open from 9:00am Thursday, April 18th, 2024 until 5:00pm Monday, May 20th, 2024. Anyone wishing to appeal their assessment needed to submit the proper assessment appeal form and fee prior to the close of the roll on May 20th, 2024.
Assessment Appeal fees:
- $250.00 for appeals on property classified residential or agricultural
- $450.00 for appeals on property classified commercial
Please note that revaluations on properties are done every four years. The last revaluation was done in 2021. The next revaluation will be in 2025.
Unless you have made significant changes to your property in the past year (ex. adding/removing a building, new subdivision, new ownership), you will not receive a Property Assessment until 2025.
For more information on your assessment, please see the links and information sheets below or contact SAMA at 1-800-667-5203.
SAMA - A Look Ahead to 2025 Brochure
- Appealing an Assessment -
- Understanding Your Assessment -
- Understanding Revaluations and Base Dates -
- Arable Land
- Commercial Properties
- Pasture Land
- Residential Properties