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Custom Work

Services available are:

A completed Work Authorization Form will be required before Custom Work will be done. Work Authorization Forms can be found here or on the Forms page under the Governance tab.
Completed forms can be submitted via email, mail, fax, or in person.

If you wish to take advantage of multiple services in the future (ex. driveway blading in the summer and snow clearing in the winter), please check off these on the same form. This ensures that only one form is required once rather than a form for each service.
Once a form is on file, whenever you would like to utilize a service in the following years, please phone or email the office to be added to the list.

Please have patience when requesting Custom Work. Depending on the time of year, the list can be very long in addition to the many other services our hardworking road crew provide us with every day.

* Services are available to ratepayers only.

2025 Custom Work Rates 
Ratepayers $200.00/hr + PST (min $100.00 before tax)
Elevators $200.00/hr + PST (min $100.00 before tax)
Developers $250.00/hr + PST (min $125.00 before tax)
Non-Ratepayers $250.00/hr + PST (min $125.00 before tax)

* Custom work rates subject to change
* Ratepayers may receive 1 free summer driveway blading per year if the driveway and yard can accommodate the size of the grader (grader must be able to turn around in the yard). While free, Authorization Forms are still required for this service.